How Nervous Are Consumers About Returning to Chipotle? [New Survey]


After the recent string of Chipotle Mexican Grill’s food safety outbreaks, Organic Authority surveyed more than 540 consumers about their trust in this once well-respected restaurant chain.

Chipotle’s motto, “food with integrity» represents its position as a disruptor in the fast-casual restaurant business. With more than 1900 locations, founder Steve Ells built a brand that’s targeted toward the growing conscious consumer–the consumer who cares about how their food is grown, how it’s raised, sourced, and processed. But a recent string of foodborne illness outbreaks over the past year, including one earlier this month, have left many questioning the brand’s integrity and wondering if Chipotle’s food will ever be safe to eat. After all, more than 500 customers got sick in the past year.

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